Innovation in communication

What we do



In the past 25 years we have completed multiple projects in the area of telecom infrastructure. Slask-Tel designed and built thousands of kilometres of both fibre optic and copper lines.

Our offer:
– consulting and project management,
– infrastructure designs: cable microducts and ducts, telecom tower foundations, fibre optic cabling through ducts, microducts and inside the buildings,
– representing investors during the planning and execution of the project.


Building of telecom networks

Having in mind the complex needs and expectations of our clients, we’re providing an ultimate solution when it comes to building telecom networks. Our service is dedicated for commercial enterprises that look for a solid and reliable business partner. We guarantee the highest standard of service and a support on all stages of a project.

Our guarantee:
– the highest standard of work,
– use the state of art technology,
– timeliness of work,
– all work insured and warranted,
– all crews undertaking work with long field experience,
– prices tailored for each individual project.

Our offer:
– building and modernisation of telecom and electrical networks,
– adaptation of infrastructure for telecom needs,
– fixing collisions during building or modernisation of telecom networks,
– fault finding and repairs to existing networks,
– detailed telecom testing and surveying,
– cable blowing into ducts and microducts,
– fibre optic welding.


Network maintenance

Slask-Tel specializes in complex infrastructure maintenance both in Poland and Europe.

Our offer:
– 24/7 readiness to find and repair faults,
– servicing and regular maintenance work to telecom networks,
– supervising work carried out on fibre optic and copper networks.

A Few Of Our Clients




ul. Daszyńskiego 540
44-151 Gliwice